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Functional Horse Training

The Power of Functional Horse Training

Our top tip for having a calm, relaxed, well-muscled and athletic horse, capable of performing in any discipline and staying sound is to check out the work and equine training of Klaus Schoeniech. For over 25 years the Schoeneichs have taught their system of functional horse training at the Centre for Anatomically Correct Horsemanship in Germany. Klaus […]

Understanding Horse Posture

Kickstart your Understanding of Horse Posture

Understanding horse posture is crucial to long-term soundness. Specifically, this relates to the manifestations of laterality seen in horses. Understanding this topic will help to start the journey in correcting the crooked horse.

horses in the pasture

Understanding Horse Protein

Good levels of protein in the horse’s diet will maintain and support health and well being, but how much protein does a horse actually need?

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