In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the ins and outs on how to soak horse hay effectively. We will explore the benefits and the problems, both known and unknown of soaking hay. We will provide you with all the necessary information and step-by-step instructions to ensure the proper soaking of hay for your beloved […]
Essential Horse Analysis: What you need to know
Find out about the best analysis forage testing for horse hay, haylage and grass. Understand soil analysis for improvement of horse paddocks and grazing and when to choose water analysis to check suitability for equine drinking.
Reasons to Test Hay, Haylage and Grass for Your Horse
Should you test hay, haylage and grass for your horse? Is this approach one that will create a healthy horse? How do you know how nutrient-dense and balanced the forage you will feed your horse is?
Taking Forage Samples
Taking forage samples for horse grass, hay and haylage analysis accurately are very important. Forage samples are based on a small sample, which is selected to represent a larger sample.
Taking Effective Soil Samples
Learn about taking horse pasture soil samples to accurately identify mineral imbalances in the soil. Soil imbalances affect grass health.
Horse Forage Analysis, Understanding Dry Matter
When you purchase horse forage analysis of grass, hay or haylage it is important to make sure that a dry matter figure is included on the report.
Nitrate Toxicity in Horses Hay or Haylage
Learn about nitrate toxicity in horses hay or haylage and how forage testing can help determine the quality of the protein in horses’ daily diets.
10 Ways to Know What Minerals Your Horse Needs
Your horse needs the right fuel in the right amounts, just like a car, to run correctly.
Using Forageplus Best Horse Feed Service
Using Forageplus™ horse feed service is easy. Horse owners can use the best ‘forage focused’™ approach without any kind of grass, hay or haylage analysis testing or you can use our range of forage testing services for a more bespoke horse feed service.
When to test water a horse drinks?
If you want to analyse or test the water a horse drinks then Forageplus™ can answer your questions. Analysis to test water will make sense if you use a borehole or natural water source.